Social Recruiting The Best

Blog Summary: (AI Summaries by Summarizes)
  • Cloudera is hiring and using social recruiting to find the best candidates.
  • The job post is using OnGig, which provides all the information about the position and answers to common questions on the page.
  • OnGig also includes a video about the company and why someone should work there.
  • This approach saves job seekers time and provides more transparency about the position.
  • The author watched the movie Antitrust and joked about wanting a company to hire Claire Forlani to be his girlfriend.

Cloudera (my employer) is hiring. And this time they’re using social recruiting to find the best.

This job post is using OnGig to find someone. It’s a very interesting approach than the usual CraigsList ad. OnGig doesn’t have the usual ‘stealth mode startup seeks rockstart programmer’ type of post. Usually the emails with inquiries about the position go nowhere. With OnGig, all of the questions about a position are right there on the page and are answered by the manager(s). They’ve taken the time to create a video about the company and why you should work there. This is the sort of setup that saves job seekers a lot of time.

Alas, I watched Antitrust last night. Now, I’m never going to be happy unless a company plans years in advance to hire me out of school by hiring Claire Forlani to be my girlfriend. Maybe that’s on OnGig’s product roadmap for 2020.

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